What have I been up to?

Last time, as you saw in my new drawings, I am mainly into robots these days.
My mom came up with the brilliant idea of transforming my drawings into stamps and now I have endless possibilities to play with. Check it for yourself. Cards for example (You may get one for Easter if you wish.) or bronze and steel jewelry.
Pick and Choose !!!!

Category: Ginger's art, over 3
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2 Responses
  1. Tia Rosa says:

    My dear little nice, I’m very impressed! You have the talent of your mother and I think you are an artiste like her! I’m proud of both of you!
    If I have to choose I would like to have the cat stamp, the cat in steel and of course the pink cat card!

    I miss you so much! I hope we can see together very soon! It seems that you are shy and you do not want to talk to people over the phone! That’s ok! I hope one day you would like to talk to me so we can sing Petit ours brun and Palmas palmitas!!

  2. Fiona says:

    These are fantastic. Your mum is so clever, and you are definitely an artist like her.

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