Archive for » December 29th, 2016«

Japan with dad

Thoughts on Japan. Well, it was nice being with Dad for a while. But I didn’t really like 12 hours of walking. I liked the apple pie in Starbucks but nothing is better than Pablo Mini. Watching Sumo was my evening treat. I liked the Imperial Palace. It was my first trip with my own camera, so in this post you will see mine and dad’s pictures. Lots of things were very exciting even when I went on the automatic toilet and the water spray went all over the bathroom :o) I spent a lot of time doing craft on the Tokyo to Kyoto Shinkansen (we went 4 times). Tokyu Hands is great, they sell real scissors for kids. Shrines are nice places to take photos. It was good of Dad to carry me up the Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, as it was rather warm and humid that day, and I’ll really just didn’t have the energy. Oddly enough when I got back to the bottom I seemed to have endless energy. Mom arrived week after and we were her tour guides. She loved everything but ginkgo leaves the most. I miss Japan.

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