My 6th birthday was an indoor safari. My parents invited Urban Safari Rescue Society with a bunch of animals and I invited 17 friends. The combination had potential to be wild We behaved well and the animals did too, everybody was very pleased.
In the end I got a certificate that I am the official sponsor of the Boa Constrictor in that facility for the next three months. We got a day pass as well to the Rescue Society to see a 120 year old Turtle called “Grandpa”.
It felt good to have a fantastic party for a good cause.
The cake was a big success also, as there was not a single crumb of it left, a big thank you to Yvonka for distributing it so well. Because the birthday cake has been completely finished, we will all have very good luck in the following weeks
Ginger’s 6th Wild Birthday
Category: over6
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Kochana Ginger….Z okazji 6 th Urodzin… Rosnij Zdrowiotka, Szczesliwa Kazdego Dnia…Ogromne Buziaczki Sloneczko??????