Archive for » September, 2017 «

Birkenhead camping trip
Last trip of the summer was camping at Birkenhead lake. It was bunch of us and lots of kids. I had a blast with lots of freedom every day, mom said it was like “the olden days”  I biked, walked around, went to the the beach and had very little parent supervision. Koben and I even saw a bear on one of our walks in the forest.
We did lots of canoeing on both days, swam and hung out with friends on the beach. The parents were very happy to have time for themselves too just sometimes we had to do kid search when everybody realized that somebody was missing. 😉 and I have no clue how it happened that organizers of that trip are not on the pictures.
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2017 London, UK
London was triple special! I met my dear Aunty Liz (Lizzie) and we a had fantastic time together. I miss her very much. Mom met with her childhood friend ( they knew each other since they were 5 years old) and they haven’t seen each other for over 25 years. I spent some time with her daughter Mia and I am hoping to visit her again. London was just too cool, awesome and fabulous, it was very special for mom to be back.

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2017 Prague

Prague was short and sweet. My sister Amber flew to see us there with Josh Posh. We had great time together visiting places, eating out and chilling with good beer. I was allowed to taste some beer when we went to the beer museum. Communist museum was interesting, it is hard to relate to it, but mom was a great tour guide. Enjoy!!!

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2017 Malta, Gozo, Comino
Malta was hot, water was warm and turquoise. Snorkling was great and my biggest achievement was 3 meter cliff jump. We did some kayaking, boating, lots of beach time and cultural. Picking wild figs, grapes straight from the car was truly something. We even saw 3 wild chameleons and changing their colors in front of us was priceless.
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our ceremony

written by Nik, vow master Ginger, pictures by us + tripod

We three stand here,
where stone meets sea,
a place for us,
of family,

And think of future,
here, on this earth,
a mutual time,
together, shared.

Will you both,
take care of each,
love, protect,
in stormy seas?

we will..

Will your hands,
be always tied,
your hearts together,
lay side by side?

we will..

Will you do
these things in peace,
beyond the grasp
of others reach?

we will..

that being said,
with daughter’s love,
wife and husband,
you have become

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150 years and tour in Canada continues

As part of the Canadian 150 celebration this year we all went back east to Montreal, Quebec City and Toronto.The main reason was to visit Tia Rosa and Jose. I met two lovely girls and together with Tia Rosa we did a mentos/pop explosion experiment, piñata, made candy sushi, did arts and crafts and of course visited places. In St Maria canyon together with mom we did some canyoning, I loved it!!! Quebec City is super cute, Montreal was fun as always especially on the obstacle course at the Pirate Ship and Visiting Embassy of San Salvador. The highlights of Toronto was Niagara falls which we saw from the front, behind, above and at the water level.

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