Archive for » December 16th, 2013«

End of The Year Adventure
This time we mixed and matched places and temperatures. From +30 in Puerto Rico to -16 in Chicago. Together with Mom and Grandparents we went on a Caribbean adventure visiting 4 islands, Puerto Rico, Turk and Caicos, St Martin and Half Moon Key on Bahama. I loved the turquoise warm water, white sandy beaches, old Victorian San Juan and nothing except sand, palms and water on Half Moon Key.

Wildlife wise I touched a stingray (which had previously bit my Grandad), held a star fish and weird sea cucumber…and saw lots of donkeys.

After being lazy we took our down jackets and headed to New York. It was cold, snowy, and I didn’t bother walking. My favorite was Times Square with all the lights and Elmo :) My least favorite was transportation from the Airport to the hotel (train + metro) well I think it was my mom’s less favorite as I was comfy in my stroller. New York caught us with a snowstorm and we got stuck for a few hours in the airport which caused us to lose our connection from Chicago to Vancouver. Well after adding another day to our itinerary we stayed one day In Chicago and spent five minutes (enough) outside in -16 C. The rest was nice and warm indoors :)

After each flight I always go to the Pilot and say “Thank you Mr Pilot”. This time my politeness paid me back as on the way home I got invited to the Pilot’s cockpit, that was priceless!!!

We finally made it back home the day after where dad picked us up in the airport, I had so much to tell him :)

PS. BTW I managed to write a letter to Santa, picture attached

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