Archive for » September, 2013 «

Summer is over

Summer was spectacular this year, since you can’t see a green looking patch of grass you can imagine how much sun we got. Of course lots of activities comes with it, beach time, ocean time, adventures, road trip, play dates, park time, camping, my best friend Yara birthday party and many more.  My sister was here for almost a month and 1/2 and we did a lot. See for yourself.

2-3 year adventure in 7 minutes

Tradition demands that i post a crystallized view,  in 7 minutes phone quality video, of my 2nd year. Enjoy!!!!

Ginger’s 2nd year till 3rd birthday from beata kacy on Vimeo.

3rd Birthday Party

Last weekend was my 3rd birthday party. Thank you all for the wishes, presents and your participation in my Star Wars birthday adventure. My actual birthday is on the 6th but we celebrated earlier so I could have my sister (R2D2) with me. My Dad was Obi One and Mom Princess Leia, and the little munchkin with the green hat is me as Yoda. My Grandmother was a Darth Vader and Grandad a Storm Trooper and Uncle Greg – was my favorite Han Solo. My dear friends were there to celebrate with me and even the real Princes Leia came and had a show, ….but that was kind of strange, as she was quite silly and on TV she is very serious. May the force be with you.

Category: over 2 years  2 Comments