Archive for » January 8th, 2013«

Southeast Asia -Thailand (part 3)

Thailand was warm. First stop was Ko Samui Island. Small island, very laid back, a nice beach and coast with friendly people. Water in the ocean was super warm but I wasn’t a big fan of the waves. Bangkok welcomed us with 40 degree heat, a 3 hour drive in the seatbeltless car then a magnificent emperor palace, crazy boat drive in the canals where we saw a few iguanas and how people live. Pleasant bike ride among heritage historical center outside of Bangkok. I felt like a celebrity, everybody wanted to have a picture with me, or of me.

Second day we spent in the Elephant conservation run by locals. I managed to get a ride on the elephant with my mom and jeez that was high and bumpy. At some point the elephant went deep into the water and we had to keep our feet up from the muddy looking pond. BTW the elephant hair was spiky. We saw silk worms, cows chilling in the water and had an awesome drive in an old landrover.

Check pictures to see for yourself, next post about Vietnam.

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