I have been in day care since July 2011 and I am loving it. There are about 12 of us kids, and 4 lovely teachers. I am in the same group as my buddy Eliot. We have a water tank to play with, which changes to a sand box from time to time. I can play with play-dough as much as I can eat…..I mean as much as I want. Even eating blueberries is part of an art project. We have an outside mobile which takes us to places as well as indoor slides and tons of toys. I sleep from 12:00-1:30 on the cool looking beds, sorry no pictures available. Next month is my last month as I am graduating to The Toddlers group (I guess eating play-dough isn’t allowed anymore)
Archive for » January 3rd, 2012«
Category: 16th month, daycare
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