Archive for » November, 2011 «

Geegee on Eastside Culture Crawl

Last weekend was my second Culture Crawl at my parent’s Octopus Studios. Last year I was in the crib sleeping for most of it however this time I was running around and admiring everybody’s art. There was over 1104 people at the Studio so there was plenty of people to get attention from :) BTW Kim the guitar guy is the nicest guy ever, not sure why I just didn’t feel like smiling. Oh and i forgot to mention that my mom’s face is all over the town 😉
As for new skills, I can say Geegee which means Ginger; Gash (my uncle Grzegorz – well give me some credit here look at the full name yourself), Apple, Fish. My sign language is top notch and I can guess whose clothing my mom is folding from the laundromat. I can run and fall (not sure if the last one counts).

Finally I am old enough to be an artist

A few weeks ago my parents hung a big chalk board where I could practice my lines and techniques. Today was a big deal as I was painting for real on the paper with water colors and stamping with potato stamps. Enjoy my first art pieces.

My second Halloween

This time I was a duck. Pretty much my first words were Duck quakquak so it was easy to decide who i was going to be. Day before I went for Baily’s birthday party, next day I had a big parade at my day care (I hope to have some pictures from that event soon). We all went out in the big stroller and walked around the city it did feel pretty special. After that I went to my mom’s work where I had a chance to meet up with my friends: Dagny, Leon and Eliot. The exciting day finished at home with high fever, well I ended up staying home for few days and finally start painting. More in next post.