our ceremony

written by Nik, vow master Ginger, pictures by us + tripod

We three stand here,
where stone meets sea,
a place for us,
of family,

And think of future,
here, on this earth,
a mutual time,
together, shared.

Will you both,
take care of each,
love, protect,
in stormy seas?

we will..

Will your hands,
be always tied,
your hearts together,
lay side by side?

we will..

Will you do
these things in peace,
beyond the grasp
of others reach?

we will..

that being said,
with daughter’s love,
wife and husband,
you have become

Category: over6
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One Response
  1. Ewa Palaszewski says:

    Beatko and Nick……Congratulation and All The Best in the Future……Wszystkiego Najlepszego na Nowej Drodze Zycia……Beautiful Ceremony!!!….Calusy!!!!!

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